  • 字級大小


:交換生於何時甄選 ?



:不是該語系 ( 例日文 ) 學生,可以至該語系國家 ( 例如日本 ) 研修嗎 ?




:面試是用哪種語言 ?









When is the exchange student program audition?

 The exchange student program audition is held twice a year, usually the audition brochure for 2ndschool semester exchange program will be announced in mid-September during the 1st semester, while accepting application and auditioning; the audition brochure for next semester’s exchange program will be announced in mid-February, accepting application and auditioning. Please keep track on the OICC website.


For instance, can a student who does not major in Japanese, apply for the exchange program in japan?

Yes, as long as your language qualification matches the stander of the school you apply for. Thus, the credit transfer is “non-package style”, for more detail please refer to the Guidelines for International Exchange Student's Status & Transfer of Credits, so before applying for department not your major, or you are about to graduate, the risk should be considered, please consult with Chair of Department. 


Which language be use in the interview?

English and Chinese. If you want to apply the country, such as France, Germany, Spain or Japan. You need to use the second language.  


Can graduating students or super senior students apply it?

Yes. You can apply if you have the Student's Status. Because consider the problem of credits, the super senior students and non-graduates students can priority application.




:交換學生一定可領到獎學金嗎 ?

:否,須視獎學金申請情況。除領取「學海惜珠」及「日本交流協會獎學金」的交換學生外,每年國合處都會向教育部申請「學海飛颺」獎學金,如申請到該項補助,國合處就會依所獲之金額及學生的各項條件 (如甄選成績、研修學校、研修國家、研修時程等核算及發放其獎學金。然每年度所獲補助可能不如以往,且若交換生人數眾多,又或者未獲教育部補助,就有可能個人領取獎學金額度不如預期或是未獲任何補助。



:何時能確定所領獎學金之金額及核發時間 ?

:教育部於每年 5月會公布「學海飛颺」及「學海惜珠」獎學金核定結果,故預計上學期出訪之同學約在 當年月、下學期出訪之同學約在 前一年11 月可得知是否獲得獎學金及金額,至於核發時間則不一定。學生出國時間不同 (有可能相差23個月,但國合處採統一辦理請款作業,原則上會於學生出國前完成請款。



:交換學生需要繳交本校學費或研修學校的學費嗎 ?



lScholarships and fees


Do exchange students get scholarships for sure?

No. It depends on the scholarships application condition. Except the exchange students who receives the scholarship of Hardships for Students to Study Abroad and 「日本交流協會獎學金」,every year OICC will apply to Ministry of Education for Scholarships for Excellent Students to Study Abroad. If the scholarship is applied successfully, according to the amount of money and the qualifications of the students (academic performance, school, country and time) OICC will adjust the accounts and grant the scholarship. However, the receiving of subsidy could be different from year to year, if there are many exchange students or the subsidy is not obtained, it’s possible that each person’s scholarship different as expected or obtain no subsidy.

When to assure the amount of scholarship and the issuance date?

Ministry of Education publics the result of Hardships for Students to Study Abroad and Scholarships for Excellent Students to Study Abroad in May and June annually. Thus, the result of scholarship and the amount of money for the student who expects to leave in the first semester will be announced in June, and the student who expects to leave in the second semester will be announced in November of the year before last, but the issuance date is uncertain.

Despite the differences of the date of student leaving the country (differs from two to three months), OICC conducts the billing statement centralized and will complete the statement before the student leaving in principle.










:錄取後,須辦什麼手續 ?

1. 於規定時間內繳交「交換意願切結書」。

2. 由語言學系之國際交流老師或國合處協助進行交換學校之入學申請。

3. 取得交換學校入學許可後,即可申請簽證及預訂機票。

4. 出國前,須準備欲於研修學校選修的課程資料,與系主任討論學分抵免相關問題。

5. 參加交換學生行前說明會。

6. 繳交行前程序單及相關文件,並填寫獎助學金印領清冊。


:研修學校會安排接機嗎 ?


1. 若該校有提供,將會於寄發各位學生入學相關通知時詢問,並請學生於期限內提出申請並提供班機資訊。

2. 有提供機場或車站至學校的接駁車,需事先預約,且有固定班次,如抵達時間已無接駁車,仍須自行搭其他交通工具到校報到。

3. 有提供,但需自行付費申請。可能學校派車,或需自行與接駁車或巴士公司預約,並於搭車時付清車資。



:學校會幫忙辦簽證及訂機票嗎 ?



lPreparation before studying aboard


Do exchange students get scholarships for sure?

No. It depends on the scholarships application condition. Except the exchange students who receives the scholarship of Hardships for Students to Study Abroad and 「日本交流協會獎學金」,every year OICC will apply to Ministry of Education for Scholarships for Excellent Students to Study Abroad. If the scholarship is applied successfully, according to the amount of money and the qualifications of the students (academic performance, school, country and time) OICC will adjust the accounts and grant the scholarship. However, the receiving of subsidy could be different from year to year, if there are many exchange students or the subsidy is not obtained, it’s possible that each person’s scholarship different as expected or obtain no subsidy.

When to assure the amount of scholarship and the issuance date?

Ministry of Education publics the result of Hardships for Students to Study Abroad and Scholarships for Excellent Students to Study Abroad in May and June annually. Thus, the result of scholarship and the amount of money for the student who expects to leave in the first semester will be announced in June, and the student who expects to leave in the second semester will be announced in November of the year before last, but the issuance date is uncertain.

Despite the differences of the date of student leaving the country (differs from two to three months), OICC conducts the billing statement centralized and will complete the statement before the student leaving in principle.







:可於研修學校可修什麼課程 ?

視各校規定。基本上很多學校所開的課程都可以讓交換學生自由修習 (不分年級、科系),但學校還是會視學生語言能力及修課狀況來規定其所修的課程或學分數。有學校專門針對國際學生開設課程讓交換學生選修 (如韓國天主教大學)



What courses we could take in the university we are about to exchange?

A  :It depends. Basically, many universities offer all kinds of courses for you to take (No limitation for grades and department). However, school will value your language abilities or courses you take to regulate what courses and how many credits you could take. Some universities have courses that only available for international students, for instance, The Catholic University of Korea.